Gallery Talk

CANCELED: Mirrors of Civilization


Friday, March 13, 2020
2 – 3 pm
Exhibition Galleries

Art reflects the society in which it is made, and has traced the rise and fall of civilizations over millennia. Explore contemporary artist Rachel Feinstein’s interest in this historical trope and consider what her work says about the world today in this talk led by Jenna Weiss, Manager of Public Programs.

The health and safety of our visitors and staff is the Jewish Museum’s priority. Due to heightened concern regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Jewish Museum will be closed to the public beginning Friday, March 13, 2020 and all public programs have been cancelled, for an initial period of two weeks.

Refunds for any ticketed programs will be administered automatically and will be reflected on your statement within 7 days. 

If you have any questions, you can reach us at or 212.423.3200. Please visit our website for updates.

Installation view of Rachel Feinstein: Maiden, Mother, Crone, November 1, 2019-March 22, 2020, at the Jewish Museum, NY. Artwork © Rachel Feinstein. Photo: Tom Powel Imaging.