Online Educator Workshop

The Jewish Museum at Home: Remote Teaching with Works of Art from the Collection


Painted portrait of a dark-skinned man standing in front of an elaborately patterned background.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020
4 – 5:30 pm
Zoom Online Meeting

Join us for a webinar exploring Jewish Museum resources available to teachers while teaching from home. Jewish Museum educators will lead an in-depth discussion of two portraits featured in the Museum’s Educator Resource, "Portraiture and Identity." Teachers will make connections with different curricular areas and participate in activities which students can do at home using basic materials. Participants will receive lesson plans to share with students.

Educators may receive 1.5 CTLE hours. 

Professional development workshops are made possible with endowment support from The Gershon Kekst Family. 

This workshop is free of charge. Participants must register in advance.

Kehinde Wiley, Alios Itzhak (The World Stage: Israel), 2011, oil and enamel on canvas. The Jewish Museum, New York, purchase: gift of Lisa and Steven Tananbaum Family Foundation; gift in honor of Joan Rosenbaum, Director of the Jewish Museum from 1981-2011, by the Contemporary Judaica, Fine Arts, Photography, and Traditional Judaica Acquisitions Committee Funds, 2011-31. Artwork © Kehinde Wiley.