Movies That Matter: Film Screenings for Schools

Meltdown in Dixie Q&A with Emily Harrold, Director


Thursday, October 21, 2021
11 am – 12 pm

Meltdown in Dixie (2021)
Film Run Time: 40 minutes

Middle and high school students are invited to view award-winning documentaries that examine current social issues such as representation and identity, immigration, and civil rights followed by Q&A sessions with filmmakers.

Advance viewing is recommended; film will not be shown during Q&A

In the wake of the 2015 Charleston Massacre, a battle erupts in Orangeburg, South Carolina between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an ice cream shop owner forced to fly the Confederate flag in his parking lot. Meltdown in Dixie explores the broader role of Confederate symbolism in the 21st century and the lingering racial oppression that these symbols help maintain.

Live virtual Q&A October 21, 11 am EDT with Emily Harrold, director 

Film available upon registration.

To register, complete the registration form or email

Still from Meltdown in Dixie