Movies that Matter: Film Screening for Schools

Changing the Game Q&A with Impact Producer and Film Protagonists


Thursday, March 16, 2023
11 am – 12 pm EDT
Live Virtual Q&A

Changing the Game (2019)
Film Run Time: 88 minutes
Advance viewing is recommended; films will not be shown during Q&A 

Middle and high school students are invited to view award-winning documentaries that examine current social issues such as representation and identity, immigration, and civil rights followed by Q&A sessions with filmmakers.

Emmy award-winning filmmaker Michael Barnett’s insightful documentary illuminates a current and crucial civil rights issue: transgender inclusion in sports. Changing the Game takes us into the lives of three high school athletes—all at different stages of their athletic seasons, personal lives, and unique paths as transgender teens.

Live virtual Q&A March 16, 11 am EDT with Shane Diamond, Impact Producer,  Mack Beggs and Sarah Rose Huckman, film protagonists.

Film will be available March 8 - 22 with registration.

To register, complete the registration form or email

This program is presented with live CART interpretation. The Jewish Museum is committed to making its programs accessible to all. For inquiries and requests for additional accommodations please email or call 212.423.3200 ext. 0.

Film still: Changing the Game.