JM Journeys

In-Person and Virtual Tour and Workshop


Luminous painting centered on a light-skinned woman sitting, while a cloaked woman brushes her hair. The sitting woman has a round face and long strawberry-blonde hair; she wears a glittering gown in deep red and gold. The woman behind her is in a teal ho

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
2 – 3:30 pm EDT
Exhibition Galleries or Zoom, Virtual Program

Participants with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and their care partners are invited to join a lively and creative program that encourages creating personal connections to original works of art and each other. Explore the exhibition The Book of Esther in the Age of Rembrandt through facilitated discussions and multi-sensory experiences.

This program will be offered in two forms: in-person at the Jewish Museum and over Zoom. Both the in-person and virtual groups will take place at the same time. Please indicate which group you would like to register for.

About the exhibition:
In the age of Rembrandt van Rijn (1606 – 1669), the biblical Book of Esther was a key source of inspiration for diverse communities in Holland, both Jewish and Christian. Traditionally, the Esther story is read annually on the Jewish holiday of Purim. For immigrant Jewish communities living with new freedom in more tolerant Amsterdam, celebrating Purim—notably through finely produced Esther scrolls and theater productions—became meaningful expressions of Jewish culture. For the Dutch, Queen Esther’s heroism came to represent their emerging nation’s identity. Rembrandt and his contemporaries depicted essential scenes of Esther’s story in paintings, prints, drawings, and decorative arts. This exhibition gives expression to this full range of the Book of Esther’s popularity and meaning in Rembrandt’s time.

All Access Programs are free of charge and require advance reservation. If you have any questions or need accommodations, please contact or 212.423.3289. If you are interested in observing this program, please reach out to us before registering.

The Jewish Museum is committed to making its programs accessible to all. The virtual program is presented with captioning through Zoom. Please let us know if you need any additional accommodations, including live CART interpretation or ASL interpretation.

Rembrandt van Rijn. A Jewish Heroine from the Hebrew Bible, 1632-1633. Oil on canvas. 109.2 x 94.4 cm. National Gallery of Canada, purchased 1953. National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa