Access Family Workshop

Visitors with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities


Sunday, January 5, 2020
2 – 4 pm
Exhibition Galleries

Visitors ages 18+ with intellectual or developmental disabilities are invited to explore the exhibition Rachel Feinstein: Maiden, Mother, Crone and create art inspired by the work on view. This survey exhibition of the New York-based artist brings together sculpture, installation, painting, drawing, and video, as well as a newly commissioned wall-relief, panoramic wallpaper, and sculptural maquettes. 

All Access Programs are free of charge and require advance reservation.

Please contact or 212.423.3289 for more information or to register.

Rachel Feinstein, Good Times, 2005. Wood, Aqua Resin, and oil enamel. © Rachel Feinstein. Courtesy of the artist and Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York and Aspen.