Thu, Jan 25

12 – 12:45 PM

Gallery Tour

Scenes from the Collection

45-minute tours of the exhibition 
Scenes from the Collection tours are led by the Museum’s docents and meet in the elevator lobby of Floor 3 


2 – 2:45 PM

Gallery Tour

Mood of the moment: Gaby Aghion and the house of Chloé

45-minute tours of the exhibition

Mood of the moment: Gaby Aghion and the house of Chloé tours are led by the Museum’s docents and meet in the elevator lobby of Floor 2


6:30 – 8 PM

Dialogue and Discourse:

The Role of the Archive

Join a conversation between London based writer and consultant Dal Chodha and Choghakate Kazarian, Guest Curator of Mood of the moment: Gaby Aghion and the house of Chloé.
