Movies that Matter: Film Screenings for Schools

H.A.G.S. (Have a Good Summer) with Sean Wang, director


Thursday, June 2, 2022
11 am – 12 pm EDT
Zoom, Virtual Program

H.A.G.S (Have a Good Summer)
Directed by Sean Wang
Film Run Time: 8 minutes 44 seconds

Middle and high school students are invited to view award-winning documentaries that examine current social issues such as representation and identity, immigration, and civil rights followed by Q&A sessions with filmmakers.

Advance viewing is recommended; film will not be shown during Q&A. 

H.A.G.S. (Have a Good Summer) is a nine-minute film that touches on themes of adolescence and adulthood, past and future, and the ever-elusive search for oneself. The now 26-year-old filmmaker, Sean Wang, uses animation, archival footage, and audio recordings with friends to reflect upon friendship, identity, and expectations. 

Live virtual Q&A on June 2 at 11 am with Sean Wang, director.

Film available upon registration.

To register, complete the registration form or email

This program is presented with live CART interpretation. The Jewish Museum is committed to making its virtual programs accessible to all. For inquiries and requests for additional accommodations please email or call 212.423.3200 ext. 0.

Film still: H.A.G.S. (Have a Good Summer)